Our Approach

At the 36th Annual Aviation Product Symposium Award Dinner in 2/2010, Lieutenant General James Pillsbury congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Hong on Hontek’ s winning of the 2009 AAAA Materiel Readiness Award for Contributions by a Small Business.

At the 2007 Convention of Army Aviation Association of America, Shek Hong reviewed the Hontek-coated Black Hawk main rotor blade on display, with Major General James Pillsbury and the Honorable Claude Bolton, Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology.
Our Story
Hontek has made further improvements in the rain erosion resistance of HC05XP1 and is now called HC05XP2. The new HC05XP2 eliminates the early top coat peeling issue observed on HC05XP1 under some conditions.
The following photos show the further improved rain erosion test results of HC05XP2 coated aluminum airfoils after 394 minutes and 458 minutes at UDRI.