Hontek’s achievements in erosion protection was recognized by the Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA). Shown is Shek Hong receiving the 2009 Award from Lieutenant General Pillsbury (left) from U.S. Army Materiel Command and Major General Myles of U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (right).
Afghanistan Deployment 11/2008- 11/2009 In January, 2010, Colonel Ron Lewis, former Commander of 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division and Shek Hong re-united at the Association of the United States Army Aviation 2010 Symposium in Washington, D.C. The 159th CAB was the first unit to fly the new UH-60M, equipped with Hontek-coated main rotor blades. After 31,000 flight hours in Afghanistan with 30 UH-60M and 20 UH-60A/L, the unit achieved zero main rotor blade replacement, a new historical record. In comparison, prior year deployment of another unit experienced 26% blade replacement rate without Hontek-coated blades.
2006-2007 IRAQ DEPLOYMENT OF HONTEK-COATED BLADES In April, 2007 members of the Virginia Army National Guard, Sikorsky team and Shek Hong re-united in Richmond, Virginia after the unit returned from the one-year deployment in Iraq. The Virginia Unit was the first Army unit to deploy with Hontek-coated blades on UH-60A/L. They flew two aircraft with Hontek-coated blades establishing the first historical record of zero main rotor blade replacements. The unit also flew 18 other UH-60A/L aircraft, and documented that the main blades required 30% replacement rate without Hontek coatings.